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Sweeping Legislative Changes Impacting Digital Privacy and Safety

Washington State’s My Health My Data Act has become enforceable, marking a major shift in online health privacy laws. Businesses must adapt to stricter compliance measures, including obtaining explicit consent for collecting consumer health data and securing open text fields on forms. Additionally, new federal bills like the Kids Online Safety Act and COPPA 2.0 aim to enhance privacy protections for minors online.

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Texas Leads the Charge in Data Privacy Protection with Stringent Laws and Landmark Settlements

Texas enacts the Texas Data Privacy and Security Act (TDPSA) to protect personal data from foreign influence, particularly targeting Chinese firms like Temu. With stringent laws and landmark settlements, Texas is taking a robust stance on data privacy.

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Facial Recognition Technology in Law Enforcement: Striking a Balance Between Safety and Privacy

The global discourse on facial recognition technology in law enforcement underscores the need for standardized regulations and ethical frameworks for its use. Varying approaches highlight the complexities of balancing public safety and individual rights in the age of AI.

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Microsoft Delays Recall Rollout Amid Privacy Concerns

Microsoft delays the rollout of its Recall feature for the Copilot Plus PCs due to significant privacy and security concerns. Microsoft president Brad Smith emphasizes the company’s commitment to prioritizing cybersecurity over rapid product development. The feature, which takes screenshots of users’ screens, will undergo further testing within the Windows Insider Program before becoming widely available.

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National Security or Free Speech? U.S. House Passes TikTok Ban Bill

The advancement of legislation to ban TikTok in the U.S. underscores a critical development for cybersecurity, information governance, and eDiscovery professionals. The potential decoupling of TikTok from its Chinese parent company raises substantial questions about data privacy, foreign influence, and the legal landscapes of technology operations within national borders. This article explores the implications of such legislative actions, providing essential insights for professionals navigating the intersection of technology, policy, and legal frameworks.

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Navigating Data Privacy: The Business Imperative of Universal Consent

Explore how businesses can navigate the complex waters of data privacy through universal consent, which offers a strategic and ethical approach to handling customer data. Learn from Arlo Gilbert’s insights in ‘The Privacy Insider’ to build trust and ensure compliance with stringent laws like GDPR and CCPA.

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